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Friday 11 May 2007

"The Cabinet of Curiosities" by Preston & Child

Since I can't sleep, might as well join the "party" and stay up the night. Hahaha. Spent the first half of the night msn chatting with a good friend till about 4am. Then proceeded with my book. Left about 170 pages, might as well finish it. At 5am, the book was finito!

Again, what can I say about it, except for exciting, exciting, EXCITING!! Agent Pendergast is like Doyle's Sherlock Holmes: the cool, calm appearance; insightful observations and deductions; the intellectual prowess; ... The story started with the grisly discovery of 36 bodies at a NYC construction site - all were murdered and mutilated back in 1870. The race was on to catch the killer when murders using the same modus operandi started happening again. Now was it a copycat killer or was it the killer, back from the past to continue his mayhem?! That's for me to know and for you to find out. Hahaha. Go read it!

I like this one because it brings to mind Jack the Ripper, a murderer (he was never identified) in the late 19th century in London; and The French Ripper aka Joseph Vacher, another serial murderer in the late 19th century. Yes, as you can see, my interest can be quite morbid at times. Scared yet?? Muahahaha!


Anonymous said...

Wow.. I see that you've been busy with updating your blog.. Just came back from Europe and it's been a tiring trip. Will catch up when i can although i see you've read Cabinet!

And borrowed comics from the library! Good for you. Who is this D? Then again, I suspect most middle-class children born in the late 60s are probably comic readers (which i suspect you are, D is, and I am)...

which fantastic four did you read? the new one or the old series?

i have to forewarn you: the next few weeks will be very hectic for me due to work. i'll try to respond when i can but it'll be nice to hear what you have read and seen (book, comic, movie wise)... nice to hear from an avid reader as always.


hweiming said...

Welcome back! Nice to hear from you again, SA. So how was Europe? Where did you go, if you don't mind me asking. Oh, and where are my postcards? Hahaha.

D is a good friend and colleague. Both of you are telling me the same things about comics and the library. Makes me wonder if you guys are related. Hahaha. Yar, you guys are from the late 60s but sorry, me not from the late 60s, me from the 70s. I am younger! HAHAHA. Yar, cheap thrill. LOL.

Good question, which fantastic four I was reading, old or new? I don't know. This is the first time I am reading fantastic four. I only used to watch the cartoon.

Yup, I have been updating my blog quite a bit, since knowing that there are friends and colleagues who are reading it. Can't let you guys down, right? lol

Thanks for the warning about your coming (busy) schedule. Hmm...who was posting comments when he was rushing an urgent report over a stormy weekend?! Hahaha. :) Sure, do respond when you can which I have no doubt you will. It would be nice to hear from you too about books and comics and movies that you have seen. Really. :)

Talk to you later. :)

PS. It just came to me why you like chick flicks. Duh, took me long enough to figure it out. For the chicks, of course! Hahaha. LOL.