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Monday 6 August 2007

Don't Touch My Things!

By nature, I am not a very neat person. I always have stacks of articles and books everywhere on the tables in my room and in the study room.

During my younger days, my parent always used to roll their eyes when they see my room or the study. They used to say, "So many paper and books around, as if you doing Phd or something". Lol. Little did they know, what they said would really come true. Now they can't used that line against me anymore because I am really doing my PhD. Hahaha.

Although to them or any outsiders - it is really messy and chaotic with all these stacks of articles and books everywhere, it is not to me. There is an order in the chaos, an organised mess! I know where my things are. I have a visual memory of where I left them exactly. I could usually find my things, be it a certain article or book very easily from among the different stacks, by following the visual map in my mind.

However, the problem occurs when someone moves my things. They think they are doing me a favour by tidying up my "mess". In actual fact, they are creating more mess for me because I would lose my things. I would NOT be in the best of moods too. I would go on a rampage looking for the "lost" things. And good luck to the person who moved it - a blasting from me.

Once in a while, I would tidy up my organised mess. Now, that is different from someone else tidying up my mess because I will still know where my things are after the tidying up. So if you can't stand the mess, then don't look and ....

DON'T touch my things!

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