making it easier to keep in touch with family and friends

Thursday 7 February 2008

Two Sides of a Coin

With everything, there is always two sides to a coin. Like there is Yin, there is Yang. There is darkness, there is light. There is happiness, there is sadness. There is Life, and there is Death.

Being the Eve of Chinese New Year, I was happy. I mean who wouldn't be. Chinese New Year is the one festival where most, if not all ethnic Chinese celebrate with joy in one way or another, traditionally (following traditions) or non-traditionally (going away to avoid certain traditions or relatives, lol).

However, tonight this happiness is also tinged with sadness. I received news that my good friends' father/ father-in-law passed away in the evening. Of course, there is never a good time to receive news of death, to accept the occurrence of death and especially so on the eve of a festival where reunion and gatherings of families take place. I feel for them, for their loss.

I am sorry for your loss, my friends. I know it is a difficult time now for you but please take it easy, ok? Do let me know how else I can help. No worries. That's what friends are for.

An aside:
Most people pale at the idea of attending a wake during CNY. They say it is bad luck. And what exactly is luck? It is an external unstable cause that you can never control, be it good or bad. If you are going to let luck control your life, sorry folks, you are going to miss out on a lot of things in life. As for me, I choose friendship over luck anytime.

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