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Tuesday 3 June 2008

Speak Slang?

Yes, I was bored when I tried this blogthings.
Your Slanguage Profile

Aussie Slang: 100%

British Slang: 50%

New England Slang: 50%

Victorian Slang: 50%

Canadian Slang: 25%

Prison Slang: 25%

No surprise there that I scored 100% for Aussie slang. I was living in Oz for a couple of years and have been going back to Oz quite regularly for holidays and meeting up with Aussie friends. Interesting though are my scores in New England slang, Victorian slang and British slang. Ok, maybe British slang I might have pick up a word or two from my brother who has been living in England since mid 90s. But I haven't been to New England nor I have been to the Victorian era... Hmm, how would I have known those slang? Maybe from the books I have read... lol.

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