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Sunday 19 October 2008

Last Minute Rush II

After we had an early lunch at The Soup Spoon at Paragon, I had to run one more errand. I needed to get a travel journal from Muji. So far, I found Muji has the best travel journal. Well, technically, it is not really a travel journal but a F4 sketch book. What I love about the sketch book is that it comes with ribbons so that it can be tied together to prevent stuff from dropping out. :) I have been documenting our travels in such travel journals. I hope for the girls to have a different kind of visual memory other than the photos.

After that, my mother and I went for a hair cut. Juliane accompanied us. We told her it would be boring but she didn't listen lol. Well, she was pretty bored waiting for us but she didn't misbehave. Instead she chose to amuse herself by making faces in the mirror and laughing at herself, and pretending to cut my hair while I was waiting for my hair-dresser.

I guess all the last minute rush over the weekend has taken its toll on me. I took two naps, one in the afternoon after my hair-cut and one after dinner, lol. Feeling pretty refreshed after my naps. Now to review what I have written for my Chapter 4. :P

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