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Tuesday 9 December 2008

A New Breed of Touts?

Do you remember there used to be plenty of touts around Orchard Road area, especially near Tangs, Isetan Scotts? I am referring to those touts who would grab people, ask them questions and then give them a scratch-it card for their effort. Often they ask you to scratch the card on the spot. They would get highly excited that you have won a big prize, usually a trip. They would persuade you to claim the prize at their office near-by. Anyway, when you get there, you realise that it is a time-share gimmick and they don't let you out until you have attended their session, etc., etc. Not so many now-a-days, I think.

However, when I was at Orchard Road this evening, I realised there might be a new breed of touts. I needed to get something from Borders and was just outside International Plaza walking towards Isetan Scotts traffic crossing. I was stopped by this chap. Here's what happened.

Me: "Oh no, not those touts again" (thinking to myself)
Chap: "Do you know her?" (pointed to this picture of a model)
Me: ... (no chance to say anything)
Chap: "I think you have the potential to be a model too"
Me: "WHAT THE XXXX??!!!", "Did I just hear what I think he said??!!" (thinking to myself)
Me: ... (smiled, shook my head and walked away)

GOSH, that is the most ridiculous and outrageous thing I have ever heard!! Sigh. I am mature enough to know there is something not right going on. But what about impressionable young teens? How many would fall for something like that and then realise later that they have been tricked after forking out money to train as a model... Or worse, things might happen to teenage girls should these people be unscrupulous... There is definitely cause for concern. :(

PS. On the other hand, should I be glad that the chap thought I was that young to be tricked?! Hahaha. :P

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