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Sunday 28 June 2009

Nature Walk: Pulau Semakau Intertidal Walk II

Juliane didn't go the walk yesterday because she was under the minimum age of 7 years old. She was very upset that she has been excluded from the walk and kept asking me why she cannot go.

Juliane: Why I cannot go?
Me: They set the rules, dear, under 7 years old cannot go.
Juliane: Why?
Me: They are scared it's too dangerous.
Juliane: Why?
Me: Because we have to wade through seawater and it can come up to your knees.
Juliane: Why?
Me: *Getting exasperated* You are too short?!
Juliane: I can wear your heels.
Me: ... *speechless*

When Marieann and I came back from the Semakau Walk yesterday afternoon, Juliane grilled us on every detail of our walk. She asked for the names of each marine animal and plant that I took photos of and she asked what they are and what they do. She was really curious. Marieann helped me out a lot by answering her sister's questions. Hmm, so Marieann has been paying attention to what Pei Ya (our guide) has been saying. Well done, Marieann. :)

Today, we were still being grilled by Juliane about our Semakau walk lol. By her bedtime, Juliane has seen the photos so many times that she could name me every marine animal and plant as if she had been on the walk herself hahaha. :P

I promised Juliane that I will bring her for the Semakau Intertidal Walk when she is old enough and Marieann said she wanted to go to Semakau again. I am glad that both girls take after me in that they are interested about nature and do enjoy nature. :)

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