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Sunday 5 July 2009

Pleasure and Work

Marieann has a birthday party to attend at Great World City from 1 to 3pm. We therefore decided to have lunch at Kenny Rogers. It was nice to have some good, old-fashion comfort food such as macaroni and cheese, potato salad, mashed potato, chicken soup, etc. :) After lunch, we left Marieann at the party while we browsed around in the shops.

Marieann, with her make-over, at her friend's make-over birthday party

At 3pm, the girls' father took Marieann to her lesson and brought Juliane home while I stayed on at Coffee Bean to do some work. I needed some peace and quiet to gather my thoughts lol. I could have worked longer but was beginning to feel a little chilled. :( Close to 6pm, the girls' father came to pick me up after picking up Marieann from her lesson.

I might just do a bit more work tonight or maybe I should just watch tv lol.

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