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Tuesday 20 October 2009

On Leave = Cleaning Up Wardrobe

I am on leave today. Initially I thought I would take some time out and recharge my inner batteries. Maybe I could watch a movie, or I could sit at a cafe and read my novel or I could go shopping lol. But what did I finally decide to do? Clean up my wardrobe! Yes, I know, what a waste of my leave huh lol. :P

I started the task after lunch at 12:30pm and I only finished at 7pm! I never knew I had so much clothes in my wardrobe. :P When I was done, there was a big pile of clothes that I was getting rid of. I asked my domestic helper if she wanted any of them, otherwise I would bring the pile to Salvation Army. My domestic helper decided she wanted everything lol - some she would keep for herself and the rest she would send home to Sri Lanka.

Strangely, even though I was stuck in my room for most part of the day, I felt recharged after the cleaning up of my wardrobe! :) Hmm, now that there is space in my wardrobe, time for shopping! Hahaha. :P

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