making it easier to keep in touch with family and friends

Sunday 14 February 2010

Chinese New Year 2010: Year of the Tiger

Happy Chinese New Year, Dear Family and Friends!
May Good Health and Good Fortune be yours throughout the new year.

We were up and out of the place by 8:15am. We first went to the temple to give thanks for the new year, followed by visiting of our family, the oldest and most senior members and family friends. I don't have many family here as most of them are either in Taiwan (maternal side) or in Malaysia (paternal side). But there were still quite a few families for us to visit. We managed to get home just after 12:15pm because Marieann wanted to watch her TV programme "Cafe 13". TV addict haha.

We got a bit of rest before visitors started coming to our place for visiting. It was one family after another from 2pm until 6pm. We went over to my aunt's place for dinner and visiting and later at 8pm, we went to an old family friend's place for visiting.

By the time we reached home and settled down for the day, it was close to 11pm. It has been a long day, tiring but nice as I have been able to catch up with family and friends alike. :) I better sleep soon as tomorrow will be another long day lol.

PS Happy Valentine's Day as well.

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