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Thursday 8 April 2010

Proud Moments

She came home from school and showed us a notebook that she received from her teacher. Marieann told us the notebook is a first prize present. First prize? Huh? First prize for what? She then sheepishly told us that she got the first prize for her Chinese Speech and Drama class. It seemed that not many from her class took part in the Chinese recitation competition. She showed us a little bit of what she did at the recitation before she bashfully said she had forgotten and went to bed. I am very surprised by Marieann as she has never shown any interest in Chinese. Winning something, even if it is a simple recitation may spark her interest in Chinese. :) I am proud of you, Marieann. :) I hope you keep up your interest in Chinese.

I received an odd sms on my handphone from a strange number.
"Mama on SCHOOL NO FRIDAY is MMI Yes or on"
After a while, I figured it out and I laughed. I got home and asked Juliane if she did anything today. She laughed and said that she sent me an sms using the maid's handphone. I doubted that she sent the sms on her own to which she protested most strongly. The maid confirmed that Juliane sent the sms on her own. I am amazed that Juliane is so IT-savvy. I am proud of you, Juliane. :)
Oh, you managed to figure out what she wrote? It should have been "Mama no MMI school on Friday yes or no" lol.


Bronwyn said...

Hi HweiMing. Your girls are looking beautiful! But I bet regarding the text messaging- what is clever today will be driving you crazy in a few years time.

hweiming said...

Bronwyn?! Is that you?!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?? :) :) Long time no hear from you. Still in Brisbane? You have two kids I heard. :)
Thanks for the compliment about my girls lol. Yes, the text messaging headache will be a problem but their father's problem. Cos I will never buy them handphones haha. :P