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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Gut Feeling or Professional Wisdom?

A fellow counsellor who is new to the profession chit-chatted with me a while back. I was asked this: How do you know what are the right questions to ask?

The truth is, sometimes you don't know what are the right questions to ask. A lot depends on the situation, the person you are counselling, and your counselling experience. Personally, I feel that gut feeling or intuition is very important in counselling too. My intuition hasn't let me down yet in my counselling work. Well, of course some would say "my intuition" is the accumulation of my counselling experience and professional wisdom after so many years of counselling. They may be right but there is still sometimes this unexplainable hunch that propels me to ask a certain question that turns out to be the right question to ask. Professional wisdom or gut feeling? I think it is both.

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