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Wednesday 14 March 2012

The Lorax

"Unless someone like you...cares a whole awful lot...nothing is going to get better...It's not."
Dr Seuss

As promised, I brought Marieann and Juliane to watch The Lorax.
It is a really good (and entertaining) movie with something to take away at the end of it for both children and adults - if we do not pay attention to what we are doing to our earth/ environment, it will come back to haunt us with dire consequences.

(uploaded by trailers)

After the movie, I brought the girls to my office. The last time they were here, my office was in a different building. They have not seen the current place since my office moved here a few years ago. Some of my colleagues couldn't believe that I have kids! Haha. Some couldn't believe that my girls are so big and they thought we three look like sisters haha. :P Thanks.

My girls enjoyed going to my office and they have asked if they could go again tomorrow. I am really surprised lol. Thought they would rather stay home with the tv, iPad, computer and bed lol.

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