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Saturday 21 July 2012

Finally, it is Goodbye

Something was not right. I kept getting the offline mode for my tap reef for most part of the day. I followed the instructions given on the tap reef forum and deleted my tap reef. The forum assured that my reef and its finned denizens would not be harmed. To my horror, after reinstalling it, the reef was a brand new start-up with 3 fishes, and 1000 sand dollars. WHERE IS MY ORIGINAL REEF?! I had 20 octopuses (and each one is named!), amassed sand dollars in the billions and accumulated close to 700 pearls! AHHHH. Deleted and reinstalled three times with the same result - a brand new reef and NOT my original reef. :( 
I never expected it to end this way. I knew we would part ways one day but never thought it would be this soon. Without my original reef, there is no more meaning in playing tap reef. :( Goodbye, Tap Reef. We have had great times. I won't forget you anytime soon.

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