making it easier to keep in touch with family and friends

Monday 3 September 2012

Graduation Studio Shoot

We finally went to the studio to take our family portrait and my individual portrait on Sunday. It has been a month since I graduated on 1 August lol. The girls were tickled at first when taking the family portrait because the photographer was asking us to move this way and that and to smile more, etc. But after the 10th family shoot, the girls were no longer amused lol. Truth be told, I could understand why they were grumbling. After our 12th family shoot and my 6th individual shoot, I could no longer feel my face/ smile! :P 
The family and individual portraits will only be ready in 10 weeks' time. Will show them when I get them. :) Meanwhile, here is a photo of the family portrait, not very clear though lol.

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