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Friday 16 November 2012

I have deleted my Facebook account

No, not me but Marieann. She told me that she has deleted her Facebook account because she realised that she is under age and thus, violating the Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. I am so proud of her for doing the right thing on her own accord. :) 
Marieann went behind my back to set up a Facebook account when I have told the girls not to do that (she gave in to peer pressure as her friends are also on Facebook). As a parent, I know I could have deleted the account on her behalf but it would be by brute force. If she could not understand the reason why I wanted to delete the account, it would be very easy for her to set up another account under a different name and it would be much worse as I would have no way of ensuring her cyber-safety and wellness. It would also damage our mother-daughter relationship. So I did the next best thing - talk to her about cyber-safety and wellness as well as checking in with her about her Facebook movement. At last, the message has sunk in. :) She made her own decision and deleted her Facebook account. :)

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