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Wednesday 9 January 2013

Week Zero

The girls kept referring to this week as Week One. No, I said, last week was Week One. NO, they said, last week was Week Zero! Huh?! Since when is there a Week Zero?! Well apparently, there is now. The girls showed me the calendar and explained it all to me.
Term 1 started on 2 January 2013 Wednesday and will end on 15 March 2013 Friday. That is actually a total of 11 school weeks. Therefore, last week was Week Zero and followed by this week, Week One and so on and so forth, until Week Ten. Ah, I see. 
However, there are still only 40 weeks of school for the students. Although Term 1 has 11 weeks of school, Term 4 will only have 9 weeks of school to "compensate" the students lol. Thus, the last day of school for 2013 will be on 16 November 2013 Saturday. :)

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