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Sunday 3 November 2013

Inception Decoded

Finally, someone figured out the ending of Inception! Since Inception was shown in the cinema in 2010, the ambiguous ending always had me guessing if Leonardo DiCaprio was still in his dream or he was in reality. But it is precisely this ending that has endeared the movie to me, ok, other than the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio is the main lead. :P If you haven't watched Inception before and would like to watch it one day, please do not proceed to watch the below video. If you want to figure out the ending for yourself, please do not proceed to watch the below video. If you want CLOSURE like I did, please proceed to watch the below video. :) Oh the video is in French, so remember to turn on the English caption/ subtitles.

(uploaded by TearsProd) 

After 3 long years and watching Inception a number of times, I finally know the truth and I finally have my closure. :) Don't worry, Inception remains one of my favourite movies with all the thinking, predicting and guessing I had to do. No movie has ever made me think so hard lol.

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