making it easier to keep in touch with family and friends

Saturday 21 December 2013

Deaths in the Family

I received a phone call from my parents in Xiamen in the evening, informing me that my paternal uncle-in-law in Kuching, Malaysia passed away unexpectedly on Thursday and his funeral is tomorrow. I called my paternal aunt to offer my condolences. Even if I can get a flight to Kuching tomorrow morning, it would be too late for me as the funeral service would be over by then. :( Rest in peace, Uncle-in-law. 

When I returned from Brisbane, my parents informed me about my paternal uncle's death on 27 November (I was in Brisbane then). Again, it was a surprise to me. I had to call my aunt-in-law and my cousins to offer my condolences. According to my aunt-in-law, my uncle has been ill but had kept the severity of his illness from us. :( Rest in peace, Uncle.

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