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Tuesday 6 May 2014

Flora Soap

Glad to see the results of this blogthings quiz. It does reflect me accurately lol.
You Are Lilac Soap
You are a natural caretaker and multi-tasker. You are likely taking care of many people, creatures, and things at once.
You are pure of heart, and your intentions are always good. You may try to mother others, but it's only because you care.

You are brave and humble. You have the courage to take on any challenge, and you never brag about your accomplishments.
You are good at perceiving energy and seeing how people actually feel. You are mentally free enough to see the full picture quickly.
Personally, I like to use scented flora soaps too. When travelling in Australia, I never fail to visit their crafts markets to buy hand-made scented soaps, either for self-indulgence or as gifts. :)

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