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Friday 26 June 2015

Student Self-Assessment Workshop

I was invited to conduct a workshop (8:30am - 12pm) on Student Self-Assessment at a secondary school during their Staff Training Day on 26 June 2015. The first half of my workshop was a mini-lecture on the what, why and how of self-assessment. The second half of my workshop involved the teachers crafting self-assessments for their students and a presentation of their self-assessment to their colleagues. The workshop ended successfully at 12:15pm. The school leaders are really appreciative because I did the workshop pro bono. Well, it is my way of giving back to the teaching community. :)
Teachers hard at work in crafting student self-assessment
Teachers presenting their student self-assessment
Group photo with two departments
I felt great that I could share my knowledge and experience with the 80+ teachers. I hope that I have made some small impact to the school, the teachers and ultimately, the students! :)

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